Rawson Chapter #550 OES
Meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the Month
State Route 235 Mount Cory
2020 Officers
Worthy Matron ................... Linda Shimp
Worthy Patron .................... Jerry Augustine
Associate Matron ................ Charlene Brock
Associate Patron ................. Gary LaRoche
Conductress ......................... Becky Bucher
Associate Conductress ........ Tammy Augustine
Secretary ............................. Ruth Ann Augustine
Treasurer ............................. Fairy Parkins
Chaplain ............................... Steve Horton
Marshal ................................ Larry Bucher
Organist ............................... Marilyn Wymer
Adah ..................................... Rita Follas
Ruth ...................................... Becky Jones
Esther ................................... Kathy Hines
Martha ..............................… Patti Askins
Electa ................................... Pat Redding
Warder ................................ Skip Leo Garey
Sentinel ................................ Emmet Clements
Theme ………..... These Boots Are Made for Walking
Symbol ……….… Boots and Labyrinth
Color ................ Rust
Flower ……........ Mum
Honoring …...… Stations of Conductress and
Associate Conductress
Scripture ……..... Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Matthew 22:39
Service Project ... Hancock County Religious Education
Diabetic Society